Abbey Road Community Housing Ltd has a Management Agreement with the London Borough of Camden, which is the ‘landlord organisation’. The Management Agreement spells out the responsibilities of the Co-operative and the responsibilities retained by Camden Council
The key responsibilities of Abbey Road Community Housing Ltd under the Management Agreement are:

- Repairs and maintenance
- Management of void properties
- Estate improvement
- Caretaking and estate cleaning
- Tenancy and estate management
- Lettings
- General tenancy and housing advice
- Planning for the expenditure of Management & Maintenance Allowances
Under the terms of our Management Agreement, Camden Council are responsible for a range of activities, including:
- Heating and hot water supply
- Lifts
- Entryphone system
- Allocations
- Capital and major repairs works
- Aids and adaptations (i.e. due to disability)
- Refuse collection
- Allocation of Management & Maintenance Allowances and regulatory compliance
Housing and Estate Services
The Co-operative maintain an excellent repairs service to our tenants and residents. And continue to achieve high levels of satisfaction through the provision of first class tenancy and estates management services, including:
- Making the estate a safe and pleasant place to live
- To maintain and develop our standards of estate cleaning
- To ensure an effective caretaking service
- To work with tenants and other agencies to provide support and help to ensure tenancies are sustainable.
To ensure that we provide an effective and efficient voids and lettings service, including:
- Maintaining low levels of tenancy turnover
- Providing excellent performance in terms of void turnaround and empty property management
- To actively market the Co-op as ‘a great place to live
- To explore our options to develop a Co-op sheltered housing scheme.
To improve and develop our homes and estate, including:
- Achieving and exceeding the Decent Homes’ standard for the estate
- To agree a ‘decent homes plus’ standard for our estate, to include household and estate improvements
For details of our performance level of key indicators, please download our Annual report which also contains our resident satisfaction survey results and our latest monitoring report from Camden Council.
- Camden Council Star Survey
- Bi-Annual Performance 3rd and 4th qtrs
- Customer Service Annual Review report 3rd & 4th quarter
- Annual Governance Review - 3rd and 4th qurater
- Bi-Annual Finance Review report 3rd and 4th quraters
- Camden Monitoring Annual Finance Review Report 2013-14
- Camden Monitoring Annual Customer Services Review 2013-14
- Camden Monitoring Annual Governance Review 2013-14
- Camden Monitoring Inspection for 3rd and 4th Quarters 2013-14
- ARHC Performance 2013-14
- Camden Monitoring 1st & 2nd Quarters 2014-15
Please click for Camden Council services and information
Camden Council have now introduced a Quality Landlord Document detailing the Council’s vision and investment programme in housing. For full details click
Contact Abbey Road Community Housing Ltd in London on 020 7624 6309 to learn more about the unique housing options available from Camden Council. Alternatively, email us at to discuss your individual options.